Yellow wood beads/ coco square cut combi |
 Pandan bandihado w/ satin ribbon and coco |
 Set of fetish bird luhuanus jewelry |
 Orange hammer shell beads shell strands or |
 Oval black lip tiger w/ lady carving |
 Mop 30mm teardrop w/ center hole pendants |
 Adjustable natural macramae pair in baby blue bracelets |
 Oval melo w/ carving 40mm pendants |
 White rose dyed lilac w/ pink rose |
 Salwag seeds oval beads |
 Grinded white puka shell in beads strands |
 Round mop w/ rose carving 30mm pendants |
 Graduated troca beads bracelets |
 4 liner agsam w/ design |
 Piktin clam dyed in golden yellow pendants |